Details of Associated Companies

Habib Bank AG Zurich 
Our Values are our moral compass and guide our working practices and all interactions. Trust, Integrity and Respect are the most valuable assets that we offer to our customers and thus we are blessed with longstanding relationships. We are deeply committed to serving the best interests of our customers and our inherent sense of responsibility is further demonstrated by our strict adherence to the regulations of FINMA. Based on our principles of a conservative approach with high emphasis on liquidity, we are looking forward to the next 50 years of continuous excellence in banking
To Learn more about Click here

Habib Metropolitan Bank
HABIBMETRO is a leading trade finance bank that currently operates with 500+ branches (including 116 dedicated Islamic branches, 230+ Islamic windows and 1 offshore banking unit in Karachi Export Processing Zone) in 200+ cities across Pakistan. The Bank serves its customers within retail, corporate, commercial and Islamic segments through a dynamic suite of technology-led financial solutions, including round-the-clock banking facilities such as mobile and internet bankingas well as a network of 510+ ATMs across the country. 
To Learn more about Click here

First Habib Modaraba
First Habib Modaraba (FHM), a subsidiary of HabibMetro Bank and a pioneer in the Modaraba sector, has the experience of over three decades of successful business operations. The Modaraba offers various financing services and investment products to its customers. FHM has been securing AA+ long-term rating from Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Ltd., (PACRA) for the last several years. FHM has also received recognition on its performance, corporate disclosure and corporate excellence from reputable bodies, such as NBFI and Modaraba Association, ICAP and ICMAP, Management Association of Pakistan, and SAFA an apex body of SAARC.

Habib Metro Modaraba Management Company Pvt Ltd.
The Company is wholy owned subsidiary of HbibMetro Bank, The principal activity of the company is to manage and float Modarabas and to invest in other islamic mode of financing.


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